Theme Camp & Art Placement FAQs
As an all inclusive art event, YOUtopia is excited to host Sound Camps, Theme Camps, and Art Installations of all kinds!
As an all inclusive art event, YOUtopia is excited to host Sound Camps, Theme Camps, and Art Installations of all kinds!
The YOUtopia Placement team works hard to create a functional and harmonious framework for our community that facilitates a culture of creativity and self-expression with these goals in mind:
As a Theme Camp, you are giving a gift to the entire community without any expectation of a gift in return (think of the Principle of Gifting!). We all have people we want to camp with, but just being a camp with a lot of people is not the same as being a Theme Camp. If you suspect you might be a Theme Camp, then you probably are–but the best test is to ask yourself, “What are we giving the community?” Does your camp like to cook for others? Does your camp run a bar? You are a Theme Camp. Does your camp host a place to dance and party? You are absolutely a Theme Camp. Maybe your camp is a place where YOUtopians can relax and recharge. Yup–still a Theme Camp. Maybe you want to be the place we go to learn and play together. Awesome! You are a Theme Camp!
THEME CAMPS: YES! Approved Theme Camps get a spot reserved for them in an appropriate space and sound zone and are included on the map and in the Event Guide. If you don’t apply for placement you aren’t guaranteed a spot for your camp. The Theme Camp & Sound Camp Placement Request deadline is Friday, August 2, 2024 at 11:59pm.
A Theme Camp Liaison will generally let you know that we have received your Placement Request within a week of receiving it. The Placement Team will work together to find the best place for all of the members of our community. This is a complicated process and in some cases we may reach out to you for more information. We will keep you in the loop and apprised of updates.
PLEASE NOTE: You may not find out about your specific placement until after the map is completed, which is near the start of the event.
We appreciate your flexibility and spirit of Communal Effort as we all work together to build the best city possible!
Ultimately, the Placement Team will choose your placement; however, you have power in the process by filling our your Placement Request form as completely and thoughtfully as possible. Please note that placement is not guaranteed; occasionally, there are challenges due to limitations of our site or permitting. If we run into a limitation, we will reach out to you to discuss possible adjustments before we decide whether placement is possible or not.
Please do! YOUtopia is built on the creative projects it helps fund through the distribution of Art Grants. Complete an Art Grant Application in addition to your Camp Placement Request. Visit the Grants & Placement page for more information.
Grants will be awarded at the close of each Art Grant Window. The earlier you apply, the sooner we can support your project!
Yes! Be sure to fill out a Theme Camp & Sound Camp Placement Request and fully answer all sound questions if you want to bring amplified sound that may be audible beyond camp boundaries. We want to make sure that we exercise our Civic Responsibility by minimizing noise competition between sound camps, allowing for quieter camping zones, and respecting our hosts at the site. Please see the YOUtopia Sound Policy for complete details.
We plan to offer a limited number of reduced-price tickets to Lead Artists and support crew. Please note that the funding for Artist tickets comes from the same budget as our Art Grants. This means that the number of reduced-price tickets awarded will directly impact the amount of money available for Art Grants.
You must purchase in-camp vehicle passes and/or RV tickets to keep your vehicle in camp. Exceptions may be made, with prior approval, for support vehicles essential to the infrastructure of a Theme or Sound Camp. Depending on the size of your camp, space may be limited for vehicles. Non-authorized vehicles in camp will need to move. Please note that ALL approved RV’s and large trailers MUST be placed behind frontage areas and/or tucked away as out of sight as is possible. They will not be allowed to be a part of a camp’s frontage unless they are specifically needed for that frontage. NO RV PASSES WILL BE SOLD AT THE GATE.
YOUtopia wants your Art Cars! Art cars must receive pre-event authorization from the DMV Dept and undergo an on-site inspection to drive on-site during the event. For more information, please read the Art Car FAQ.
Open fire, fire pits, art with fire elements, “spinning” fire, etc. are NOT permitted in any camp without approval from Fire Safety based on location of camp and current conditions. (Seriously, all fire performances are only allowed in designated areas after approval by fire safety—don’t even joke about spinning in your camp without PRIOR approval.) Heating elements—propane heater, cooking equipment, etc.—must be accompanied by a fire extinguisher or else they are NOT permitted without prior approval. Please review the Fire Safety Policy and send any related questions to
No—passes are not guaranteed. Depending on the nature and size of your camp or art, you may be issued early arrival passes which allow a limited number of build crew in before Wednesday at 12pm. NO ONE IS PERMITTED TO ARRIVE EARLY WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL AND EARLY ARRIVAL PASSES.
We MAY be able to place your with power, either through the site’s existing power grid or with a “power pod” with other camps or projects, but it is not guaranteed. You will have to opportunity to elaborate in your Art Grant Application and Placement Requests. PLEASE NOTE: Though we will do our best to accommodate your power needs, we urge you to practice Radical Self-Reliance and COME PREPARED WITH ALTERNATIVE POWER SOURCES. Please review our Generator Policy.
Please contact the Theme Camp Liaisons,